The good news is there are other options. Our reusable food bag; Eat’n’Out!
Our lunch bags are washable so can be reused as many times as you need, because you don’t have to throw sandwich wrappers away (not every time you eat out!).
This way, you are effectively contributing to taking care of the environment.
If you care about the environment and want to contribute to our health, you should try them. We have to stop polluting the planet with waste that can be avoided!

Start saving money by not having to buy single-use packaging on a regular basis.
Start saving money by not having to buy single-use packaging on a regular basis.

The eco-friendly lunch bag
The eco-friendly lunch bag
The amount of plastic waste generated on a daily basis is a threat to the environment, but we have a solution by replacing throw away packaging with our reusable food bag. Besides, you have a multi-use food wrap wherever you go!
It is not necessary to use traditional plastic bags (as a food carrier) anymore; there is an eco-friendly alternative.
Our Eat’n’Out food bag is a lunch box you can tuck comfortably into your bag. These bags are completely suitable for all types of food.
Pack them wherever you go time and again!

By purchasing our lunch bags online, you will be contributing to the reduction of waste generated and prevent more damage being caused to nature.

Our innovative food carriers are characterized by being:
In addition, you don’t have to consistently buy disposable materials each time you run out. Our reusable food bags help you save money.
Eat’n’Out is more than a food wrapper. It’s an investment for both the planet and your personal health.

Hygienic lunch bags for kids
Several studies show that schools have more microbes on the dining tables than anywhere else. What’s more, conventional tupperware naturally accumulates dirt. The Roll’eat lunch bags are far more hygienic!
Given kids spend a lot of time away from home and often take packed meals, our children’s lunch bags help them adopt healthy eating habits.
The health of our children is a priority, and taking care of their wellbeing comes first.
That’s why we designed reusable children’s lunch bags; to package food in a safe and sustainable way.

We want to promote healthy eating habits in order to get a better quality of life. When enjoying time with family and friends, it’s also wise to take care of the environment.
Packing your lunch in our convenient food bags enables you to make homemade food and take it with you wherever you go.
Take a look at our products and choose your favourite lunch bag now!

We have achieved the following awards by being focus on our mission, as well as giving practical and sustainable solutions:
Solutions 2014 Award
We have been recognised by offering not only smart solutions for everyday problems, but also creative product designs.
Red Dot Award
One of the most popular awards that recognised the innovation and quality of domestic and professional products.